How might Acknowledgement be a tool for someone in transition?
What does it mean to acknowledge someone? When someone is positively recognized for a specific action they have taken, or for a specific way of being that they have demonstrated, more of “that” is created. The recipient of the acknowledgement, recognizes for him/herself that whatever was acknowledged is a good thing, and usually decides to do or be “more” of that.
I just realized why I love languages. It’s because I can better understand a word in one language by translating it literally in another. It gives me a different perspective, for example, “to acknowledge” in Spanish, means “reconocer” which literally means to know someone again. It also means “to recognize”. When you acknowledge someone, you recognize something in that person that he or she may or may not recognize in him or herself. So, when you acknowledge someone, you are creating something in that person, newly. Maybe the person knew it, but the recognition of the behavior has him or her want to do or be more of it”.
Recognition causes more of what is being recognized. It is an act of creation. Here is an example: I say to my friend, Mary, “Mary, I would like to acknowledge you for your sense of humor as well as your ability to make others laugh. You lighten everyone up and you raise the vibration or the energy up to a higher level.”
Mary thinks about this, and really “gets” that it is a gift/ talent/skill that is an asset in her life. Now she consciously uses it for good.
This is very different from a compliment like, “That’s funny”. It doesn’t create anything. The recipient may or may not use it for good in the future. A compliment says, I like your shirt. It looks good on you.
An acknowledgment might be: “You know Jane, you have a great ability to put clothes together”. “You always look like you honor yourself and others by how you dress.” Now this person, Jane, begins to consciously dress in a manner that tells others she loves herself, and how the way she dresses affects other people. It is now no longer an ego thing or just about “looking good”. Jane recognizes in herself that the way she dresses actually does have an impact upon others. It honors the person who looks at her. It is like she is saying she cares enough for herself and for others to be mindful of how she looks.
An example of a powerful tool for a person in transition might be the following example: Jane is leaving her job, and she doesn’t like her boss, John. Before leaving, she says, “John, I would like to acknowledge you for your ability to manage the details of this operation. It takes a lot to know what is going on in all areas of the operation.” He is pleasantly surprised by her comment,
and he has a better feeling about her. She can leave with no hard feelings, no emotional charge. This is an amazing tool for people who are in transition. Whether they are leaving a marriage, a relationship of any kind, a job, or a physical location, when there is no emotional charge, when both parties feel completely finished with the relationship such that there are no hard feelings, they can feel complete in the sense that “the book” is closed or “that chapter” of their life is over. When they can begin the next one, having acknowledged the good in the one they are completing,, they can more readily move on, ready for the next chapter in their life with enthusiasm and positive hard feelings.
Inside the act of acknowledgment, space is created for new or different ways of being or doing to show up!